Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sleeping in on the weekend? yeah, right!

I wish I could sleep in just a little.  I don't expect to sleep until ten or even nine, but I wish Ralphy wouldn't wake up  wanting to watch cartoons at 6:30am on a Saturday, see my problem. The funny part is that, during the week, when he  needs to wake up early because he  is now in pre-school and he needs to be there by  8:30am, he wakes up at 7:30am or even later, what gives??

He goes to bed by 8:30pm every night because that seems to be his breaking point.  By this time he is exhausted and ready for bed. On Friday's, we've tried  putting him to bed a little later to see if maybe by the grace of God, he will wake up later on Saturday, sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't.

So, I ask you, my wonderful people, at what time does your little one wake up? I'm I the only one having this problem?   Is he ever going to outgrow this?  Please share any tips or ideas because I know that I'm not the only one going through this, I hope.


b. lee said...

my eldest two wake up 6ish 7 days a week ... the baby will sleep till 730ish ... the hubs & I have tried putting them to bed later on weekends & the still pop up at the crack of dawn ...

Alex said...

Thank you for your comment.. glad to see I'm not the only one.

amygrew said...

My kids are up at the crack of dawn every morning. Its making morning tricky, considering I am NOT a morning person!

If you find a solution, please let me know :)

TheBabyMammaChronicles said...

Aidan does this too. Sometimes he'd get up simply too early, especially after Kaia was 1st born and I had just fallen asleep. I had to start telling him he could be awake as early as he wanted to be, he could even play to his little hearts content but he was not allowed to go downstairs until a certain time. You could try that? Hope you get a good nap!

michi said...

I wish I had advice but my munchkin is up at 6! I'm hoping the time change this weekend doesn't cause her to wake up even earlier!

If you get any good tips let me know!

Alex said...

Thanks for the comments ladies... just to five you an update.. its Monday, its 7:30a and his still sleeping .. you see what I mean? lol

Ro said...

Eden wakes at 8am on the weekends.... and we barely make it.. I mean you can feel the wiggling starting around 7:30 (yes we still co-sleep what? what?) lol

But im so grateful for it cause it means I can sneak my workouts in in the am. because durign the week its 7am like clockwork.

Ro said...

Oh you asked for advice.

Running and shennanigans. I wear her OUT before she has the chance to wear me out! lol

Alex said...

Thanks for the comments everyone!