This post was inspired by Mama Kat's writing work shop. She wanted us to "stir the pot" as she put it and write about our biggest pet peeve when it comes to other parents and their parenting. I thought " oh this is a good one." So, I started thinking about what really gets me mad or bothers me when it comes to other people and how they parent their kids. Mind you, I know that every parent has the right to raise their kid as they see fit, I mean it is their kid. I would never say anything to a parent about their parenting skills, unless you ask and believe me, if you ask I will give you my honest opinion, not just what you want to hear.
So, what is my biggest pet peeve about other parents and their parenting? I don't understand and I don't think I will ever understand how there are parents and I know a few, that don't give kids a set bed time. I mean, lets be real, What could a preschooler be doing up at 10:30PM? Please explain it to me, because I, for one, don't get get it.
To some of you , this might not be a big deal and I guess it depends on the age of the kids and other factors, for example, your own upbringing. My mom, for example, had us in bed by 9:00PM on school nights and on the weekends we could stay up a little later. That of course, changed as we got older, but I remember that on school nights, bed time was 9:00PM sharp. I didn't understand it back then of course, but I sure understand it now.
My son, as many of you may know is 3 yrs old and he goes to preschool. He's bed time is 8:30P. On the weekends, I let him stay up until maybe 9:00P, no later. Now there may be some occasions, like new year's eve for example, that he could stay up later, if he wants to, but come on new year's is only once a year.
What gets me even more mad, is that these are the same parents that are complaining because the kids don't want to get up in the morning or because they are sleepy, hmm I wonder why?
In conclusion, I personally think its important for kids to have a set routine, especially on the weeknights and part of that is having a set bed time. This is pretty big at our house. Ralphy knows everything that needs to be done before bed time and he does it. There might be a little whining or screaming on he's part, but hey, he is a kid. One thing I can assure you, when Ralphy hears mommy or daddy say its bed time, he knows we mean business and he knows exactly what to do.
Please share your opinion. Do you think its important for kids to have a set bed time?