Monday, June 13, 2011

This weekend was blah...

This weekend was going  okay. It was actually going better than last weekend, but then it happened, Miami lost in the NBA finals. I know, I know its just a game and life will go on, but right now all I want to do is scream!!. I'm so disappointed.  You all need to take that weird look off your faces. Can I just go through the emotion? It is pat of the healing process.

Yes, I love basketball. I love to watch it.  You just learned something new about me because I don't think too many people know that. So there, now you know. So because of surprising turn of events ( because in my mind I just knew they were going to win, I just knew it) my weekend was blah!

Lets hope next weekend is much better. Especially since its Father's day.

That is  all , yes really. I will be over it by tomorrow.


A Mommy in the City said...

Sorry they lost!! Hope the week gets better for you.

Alicia said...

I surely didnt realize you were a basketball fan. I didn't even know it was the Finals until I saw it on many of my friends Facebook statuses. LOL.