Monday, June 20, 2011

My top 5 MUST's for Summer.

Summer is here and its hot out there! I decided to share my top must do's for the season. Just because we are busy mom's doesn't mean we have to let our selves go. We have to try our hardest to look our best because when you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you will be a much happier mommy.

So here it is, My top 5 things to have and do for summer:

Manicures are a must at a anytime as far as I'm concerned, but especially during the summer.

Pedicures- now this is a MAJOR must. No one wants to see ugly feet, I mean lets be real. So ladies, if you are wearing sandals, please for the love of God get  your feet done. You don't even have to  go anywhere to do it. I've learned to give myself a awesome pedicure whenever I can't afford to go and get one done. I know its not the same, but its better then not doing anything at all.

Waxing- Okay, I know it hurts, but its so worth it. Especially in your bikini area. If you are planing on going  to the beach or pool this summer, this is a must, for obvious reasons that I won't elaborate on any further on.

I am a firm believer that you can never have enough shoes and you can not NOT have a pair of sexy sandals or heels during the Summer.  This is the reason why pedicures are a must. ( I think you get my point about the pedicures).

And lastly, you can't let Summer go by and not have a cute little dress to go with those sexy sandals. I love dresses during the Summer. I mean lets face it, its just too hot for pants!

So there you have ladies, these are my top 5 must's for Summer. Share yours.


Alexandra Elizabeth said...

This is my 1st year where I've waxed my legs & underarms. It lasts about 3 weeks, and i love it alot more than shaving, but it is costly. I've previously gotten my yoo-hoo waxed, and it's a pain that I never want to experience again. yes, I loved the results, but the pain for me wasn't worth it lol

A Mommy in the City said...

Pedicures are a must for summer! Love that I can wear sandals and dresses all the time.

TheBabyMammaChronicles said...

Im with Mommy Glow I cant hang with the waxing. But, I do need to do a self pedi :)

Alicia said...

Mani-pedis are a definite must for the summer season. And I LOVE the idea of summer dresses -- just throw 'em on in less than 60 seconds and you're good to go. If I'm going out at night, I'll throw on a good pair of heels, but for the day, it's cute sandals or high wedges! Love them! And DITTO on the waxing thing -- just got on last week. It hurt like hell, but it's totally worth it. ;-)