Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Giveaway Bash @ FTLOB

 Summer is here!!! and we all know what that means, time for BBQ's, the beach, the pool and of course  the Summer giveaways at For the love of blogs.  FTLOB  is an  awesome way to get to know other awesome bloggers, get some exposure and have some fun. They have all kinds of awesome blog hops each day of the week.

During the month of July, they will be hosting the Summer giveaway Bash. There will be awesome cash giveaways, gift cards, summer  items and much  more. So, go on and hop over to FTLOB, grab the button and join in on  the fun. Make sure you stop by everyday in July for your chance to win.

Have a great weekend and here is to a great Summer!



Alicia said...

I love giveaways! Such a great way to thank your readers for their support. Speaking of which, I should host one one of these days.... LOL.

Alex said...

Teach me how I want to do one for my blogniversary!!