Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Late pass for moi

Hi  everyone,

 If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you  may know that I usually do a "weekend re cap"  kind of post on Mondays, well its now Tuesday. I'm late.

We had an awesome weekend, busy,but awesome.  Ralphy's big sister is here for the summer and I'm always so happy when she is here. She gets to spend some quality time with her little brother.  Ralphy also had his  two cousins  baby "J" she's 2 years old and baby "A" she's 8 months.  Ralphy loved seeing them, we don't get to see them often, since they live out of state, but when we all get together, its a good time, especially for the kids.

As always, I love to share a few pictures, especially of Ralphy. You will not see pictures of the other kids because I  don't like to put pictures of other kids on my blog unless I  get permission first, that's just how I roll.

Daddy and Ralphy playing

Ralphy  loved this big  phone 

Me rocking the curly hair ( I have since cut it) pics to come later.

My munchkin in the car- he loves car rides.

Since my  in-laws don't get to have all four grand kids together often, we also went to JCPenny to  have  the kids take pictures with their grandparents. Needless to say that was an interesting experience, one that we will remember for awhile. We then had lunch at an all you can eat Chinese place or maybe  it was Japanese, whatever it was, it was good.  If you have been out to lunch or dinner with more than one kid at a time, you already know how that went. Remember, I'm a mother of one, so yeah it was interesting, but fun.

Anyways, I hope you are all  having a good start to the week. If you are following me on Twitter or liked me on   Facebook, you already know how  my week is going.

That is all for now.


Anonymous said...

I just laughed when I read about the lunch out with more than one kids! It's interesting when it's more than one... It's like a tag team event when we go out these days and we have to time it just right!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add... very cute pics!!

Ro said...

Interesting is code word for loud... isnt it! lol

It was great seeing you this weekend!


rosie said...

More than one kid eatting out is my reality!! and it could have been MUCH more interesting!!!! LOL