Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"For every little miracle" by Pampers

I was so  excited when Pampers  contacted me to help them spread the word on  their  new "For every little miracle" campaign. As a mom, I of course love babies and I truly believe that every baby comes  into this world for a reason and no matter what the  circumstances, every baby is a miracle.

The goal of this campaign is to help as many people and babies as possible one mission at a time and hopefully, by you helping, it  will inspire others to join and help as well.  For example,mission 1 was to help moms feel special by doing an act of kindness. When that mission was complete, Pampers will  help organize over  1,000 baby showers across the country  for expectant mothers in the months of May and June.

What I think makes this campaign different, is that  its simply about doing an act of kindness for someone else. It  has nothing to do with money. We are going back to the "basics". Need a  little inspiration? Please watch this video.

Oh and by the way, for committing to help, you could enter the little miracle sweepstakes for a chance to win Pampers diapers  and wipes for a year! Please visit their  web site for details.

If you need additional information on " For every little miracle" campaign, please visit their web site to register  or go  to their facebook page . Don't forget to share your stories and pictures as well. The goal is to not only help, but also inspire others.

Writing this post inspired me and I  hope it inspires you as well.


A Mommy in the City said...

Great campaign. We love Pampers!

TheBabyMammaChronicles said...

I like the idea behind it.

Alex said...

Thanks ladies!! We need more people doing this ,especially during this time.