Thursday, December 9, 2010

One month and counting

Today marks  one month that I started blogging and seems like forever ago that I wrote  my first post ever.   So much has changed in so little time and even though I have only been doing this for a short period of time, there are a few things that I have learned so far.   First, my writing has improved.   I know its only been a month, but I can definitely see the difference between my earlier posts and now.   The second thing I've learned and I think this might just be the most important of all, is  that  support is very important and I'm not  just talking about support from your family and friends, we all know that's always important. I'm talking about support from your peers.

Like I have mentioned in previous posts, blogging is something  that I've been thinking about doing for a long time.  I know you are probably wanting to know  which posts so you can go back and read it, but I don't remember which ones, so  you'll have to go back and look, sorry.   Anyways, I've always enjoyed writing, but was just too scared  of  the possible rejection.  I started reading  my friend  Ro's blog  Randomroro and Michi 's blog Michi's Mind and I thought to myself  "if they can do it, I can do it to."  So, I did and here I am. So, ladies, thank you for your support and for the inspiration.

My goal is to keep to writing;   to keep learning from all of you because I still have so much to learn and as long as I have people reading I will continue to write.  My main goal with my blog is also to improve my writing skills and like people always say " practice makes perfect" right?.   I also wanted to take this opportunity to  share with you   a few blogs  that I read on a regular basis.   This does not mean that I read only  the ones I mention, I want to make that perfectly clear. I love all of the blogs I follow.  If I follow your blog is because I can relate to it in some way and I enjoy reading it.   I try to read and comment everyday, but the ones I mention here  are my  favorites (in no particular order) :

  1. Random Roro -she is hilarious. She is a wife, a mom and  a very funny lady.
  2. Michi's Mind - FTM and a wife who just recently went back to work full time.
  3. Ramona's life - She is very spiritual and  writes beautiful  poems.
  4. Mommy Glow  We both have the same name so I automatically like her. I love that she is so positive. she is doing it all and doing it well.
  5. The baby mama Chronicles- She is going back to school, a mom of a 5 month old, her husband is in the military AND she works out! ( Yes, really).
  6. Sofia's Ideas- She has great ideas.
  7. The duchess and I - come back I miss your posts
  8. Sarah's memories for my girls  a mom of 3 girls, talks about her life as a mom, wife and everything in between.
I hope you really do check these ladies out. They are all fabulous. Don't forget  to also check out the ones that are on my blog roll. We  all may be doing the same thing, but we all have an  unique voice and deserve to  be heard. 

Thank you for your support and stay tuned because I'm going to be here for awhile.




Ro said...

AWWW- Thanks for the shoutout!! CONGRATS on a Month & on 50 followers!!! Get it Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrl! lol



Sofia's Ideas said...

First of all, congrats on this milestone! We definitely have things in common. I can so relate to thinking about it for awhile (9 months for me) and having a friend who is a blogger encourage you to jump in, we both love to read blogs, etc. Most of all, I understand the love of writing but having that fear of rejection. Blogging made me feel so exposed, so naked! And that made me feel vulnerable, which I can't stand! :)

Thank you so much for including me on this list. It means so much to me.

AJ said...

New blogger here too. I came over via coment love and look I find more great blogs to check out! Following now and can't wait to see how your writing develops.

Alexandra Elizabeth said...

Woo-Hoo!! Congrats on the 1 month anniversary of starting your blog! Isnt it exciting!!! Thank you for the shoutout and support! It is so wonderful building relationships through blogging. Great things are ahead for Alex's World :)

Alex said...

I'm at work and I just came to see how things were going.. Your comments made me smile ..Thanks ladies... this is only the beginning.. :)

Elizabeth-FlourishinProgress said...

Congrats on blogging! The first month does seem like forever ago when you first start.=)

Good luck!

Alex said...

Thank you for the comment Elizabeth!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention! I am glad I found your blog and always enjoy reading it! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I will definitely be making my way over to each and every one of those blogs, but I must shake my fist in your general direction - if they are as good as you say they are (and they will be) then I will have even MORE awesome blogs to read and even less time to do it! haha!

Alex said...

Thanks ladies..

And yes, they are all Fabulous!

TheBabyMammaChronicles said...

Alex, YOU are fabulous! Thank you for the wonderful shout out! I am honored! And congrats on your first month! You know, I've only been blogging for a couple more months than you but you already have the same number of followers. Maybe you should come over and do a guest post for me on your tips for getting followers, or I'm open to something else too. So proud of you! Let me know if you're interested :)

Alex said...

I'm soooooooooooooooo interested!!! Email me Thank you for the comment! and I had to let the world you exist you totally Rock!