Sunday, May 15, 2011

I dream of....

A vacation to Italy

A day at the spa:

To lay on the beach on a tropical island 

A girl can dream can she?

At least one and maybe the biggest and most important dream already came true, I have them

I found this quote awhile ago,  its one of my favorites and I thought I would share it with you:

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough" - Oprah

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Have a blessed Sunday everyone and remember to always be thankful.


byn always said...

What a wonderful blog. I need to REALLY work on being more thankful for what I have. I have gotten into a very bad habit of feeling hopeless and I know its in large part because I'm not outwardly thankful enough for all of the wonderful stuff I already have. Thanks for the reminder!

Jessica said...

This is perfect ... you dream and then you have reality .. and bottom line is reality is always better because its there at the end of the dream.

Alexandra Elizabeth said...

Love this. How wonderful that you have been blessed with an amazing son and husband. Too often we look past what we have onto what we want..missing out on what is within our reach. Missing out on crucial moments. It's great to have dreams and desires, but we gotta take time to smell the flowers. Great post, and thanks for sharing that quote :)

Ro said...

Love that quote! Im stealing it! lol

I dream of all those things too!


Alex said...

thank you all for your comments!!

Alicia said...

I could uses ALL those things right about NOW! LOL, but that quote sums up SO much -- developing a heart of gratitude is so important for living a full life.

mama to j and bean said...

Dropping in from the blog hop. You have a wonderful perspective and beautiful family!

Alex said...

Thank you ladies for stopping by