Thursday, July 28, 2011

My baby is not a baby anymore.

This is post was inspired  by mama Kat's writing workshop and one of her prompts : A moment you realized your child was growing up.  I thought about this for days and I couldn't think of one single moment, but  few "little" moments came to mind.

 It all started with him wanting to hold his own bottle during feeding time, then he wanted to hold his own spoon .... I was proud and I thought.. My baby is growing up.

Then came the I- don't -want- to- be- carried  phase and I was a little sad because I no longer had a baby to hold and I thought ... My baby is growing up. Its part of life.

Then there was the I- want- to- dress- myself phase, the I- want- to- help - you with everything phase, the 'mommy I want to do everything  alone ' phase and again I thought .. my baby is growing up.

The biggest moment came when I went to Ralphy's  pre-school and the teacher said  that  Ralphy would be going on his first field trip and I  said " what do you mean field trip? he's only a baby! Ralphy, that was standing by, looked at me straight in the eyes and said  " mommy I'm not a baby anymore, I'm a big boy."

And there  it was, the moment I was afraid would come too soon came and went, to confirm what I already knew, he is growing up... FAST.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One of those weeks....

Its been one of those weeks so far. I'm hoping I can get it together by Friday. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend recap

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend.  I didn't do anything too exciting or special. Just hung out around the house, did some cleaning and laundry while Ralphy was at the pool with his sister  and daddy. One thing I did realize is ( and this was not a good realization, actually this was more like a wake up call). This weekend, I realized that I've gained weight and I'm very unhappy about it.

 So, today I woke up and I started a  food log. I  wrote down everything I ate today and I did pretty well I think. Maybe that's why people say that its good to write down what you eat, I guess it does make you more aware.  Don't worry, I  won't bore you with the boring details. Just know that I did okay  for being the first day and for being a Monday. Now if I can only get my butt to the gym, but lets take it one step at a time shall we?

I must tell you that before I started this new eating better crap, I had  the yummiest , juiciest burger of my entire life. As a matter of fact, I wish I would've taken a picture of it so you could see it. We went to this Colombian place called Los Perros (  it translates to 'the dogs' in ). Just check out the web site. Anyways, I had the best burger ever.  It  was made fresh to order, with actual beef seasoned to perfection, this special cheese that when it melted it  was pure heaven and than they top it off with their special sauce. It was amazing and worth every single calorie, I figured since I was starting fresh today, I might as well go out and end the weekend  with a BAM! and I did and it was so worth it.

Okay, so what if I just made this post mostly about this burger and  that I'm drooling  just thinking about it,so what if that was the peak of my weekend.  Don't  judge me.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My weekend in pictures..

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine went a little something like this:

I did laundry (not my actual  laundry) but this pictures was not too far from it.

My awesome husband let me sleep in a little and it got to the point that I was just too happy to be sleeping to sleep.. go figure.

I got my nails and feet done and yes this is actually me. I love this color and this was the high point  of my weekend.

 I was to lazy to actually write something, so  this is it. Hey, it was a rough Monday and I. am. tired. So, on that note, how was your weekend?

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Friday!!

Friday is finally here!!!  I live for the weekends.  I really have no major plans, except I have a manicure and pedicure appointment with my mom and I look forward  to that time with her and of course you know, I have all the real fun stuff to do to before that, like the laundry and the cleaning. That fun never ends. 

I hope you all have a great weekend , have fun and go ahead get some sleep while you're at it.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be Strong- for the mothers and children of Japan

In March 2011, Japan was affected by terrible  earthquake and tsunami. Millions of people  are still trying to put their lives together , many include mothers and children.  Horipro Entertainment Group has launched  the Be strong campaign.  The main focus, is to spread the word about their efforts to help. 100 percent of the proceeds will go to does efforts.

If I can do anything at all with this blog, its to  spread the word about  important issues like this one, millions of mothers and children still need our help getting their lives  back together.  Please check out their video and get involved,  whether its by spreading the word yourself or making a donation  any little bit helps.

For more information about Horipro Entertainment please visit their site.  If you would like to make a donation please visit their donation site here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Late pass for moi

Hi  everyone,

 If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you  may know that I usually do a "weekend re cap"  kind of post on Mondays, well its now Tuesday. I'm late.

We had an awesome weekend, busy,but awesome.  Ralphy's big sister is here for the summer and I'm always so happy when she is here. She gets to spend some quality time with her little brother.  Ralphy also had his  two cousins  baby "J" she's 2 years old and baby "A" she's 8 months.  Ralphy loved seeing them, we don't get to see them often, since they live out of state, but when we all get together, its a good time, especially for the kids.

As always, I love to share a few pictures, especially of Ralphy. You will not see pictures of the other kids because I  don't like to put pictures of other kids on my blog unless I  get permission first, that's just how I roll.

Daddy and Ralphy playing

Ralphy  loved this big  phone 

Me rocking the curly hair ( I have since cut it) pics to come later.

My munchkin in the car- he loves car rides.

Since my  in-laws don't get to have all four grand kids together often, we also went to JCPenny to  have  the kids take pictures with their grandparents. Needless to say that was an interesting experience, one that we will remember for awhile. We then had lunch at an all you can eat Chinese place or maybe  it was Japanese, whatever it was, it was good.  If you have been out to lunch or dinner with more than one kid at a time, you already know how that went. Remember, I'm a mother of one, so yeah it was interesting, but fun.

Anyways, I hope you are all  having a good start to the week. If you are following me on Twitter or liked me on   Facebook, you already know how  my week is going.

That is all for now.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

His obsession with Sprout TV

This post was once again inspired by Mama Kat's writing prompts. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you need to head on over to her site and get with it. Just kidding,not really, but you need to, its awesome. You sign up at her site and every Tuesday she will send you different prompts to blog about.  Once you get the prompt you want, you need to link to her site the following Thursday  and check out other awesome blogs, like this one and leave comments and as we all know the more love you give the more you will get in return,but I digress.

This week, one of the prompts was to  write a letter to  your  child's latest obsession and the reasons why you love or hate it.  So here it is a letter to my son's obsession: The Sprout channel.

Dear Sprout TV,

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful things you have taught Ralphy. He has learned to sing,dance and has even learned he's ABC's thanks to you. So I thank you.  I obviously love that your programming is geared to children, especially  to children he's age, so again I thank you.  There is really only one concern I have about this obsession and that is, when does it end? When do they move on? Please don't take this the wrong way,but if I hear the theme song to firemen Sam one more time, I think I will scream.

I must clarify that when I mean obsessed, I mean he is crazy-over the top -excited when he hears the theme songs for the wiggles or firemen Sam or Nina and star, Calliou, Angelina the ballerina ( or whatever her name is). As you can tell, he loves every show, at every minute of the day. In the mornings, he watches the Sunny side up show and  before bed time he watches Nina and Star. When does it stop? The other day I was at work and I had the  theme song to firemen Sam in my head! Seriously, I love you,but this needs to end. Thank God he goes to preschool because if not, I think I would have a real problem.

Oh and did  I mention, he can only watch it on the big TV of the house because that's where  we have the cable box, so hubby and I are stuck watching the smaller TV and no  we can't switch the box to the other TV, how dumb do I look? Don't answer that.


Mama’s Losin’ It

Go ahead and tell me, what's your child's obsession?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

This is my munchkin  and I  enjoying the pool on July 4th. We had a day full of food, fun and fireworks.